Pelham, AL (February 1, 2019) – The Alabama – NW Florida PGA Board and Staff is excited to commemorate the Section’s 50th Anniversary with the PGA of America! In celebration of this year, the Section is launching a campaign focused on highlighting PGA Professionals and Associates who are driving the game forward in the state of Alabama and the Florida Panhandle. The campaign will be headlined by a series of articles and interviews centered around PGA Professionals and Associates who are willing to share their “golf testimony” – or in other words – answering the question, “What does the game of golf mean to you personally?”
Those who are featured will have the opportunity to tell their story about how they originally got involved with the game of golf, and how this has shaped the way they view the industry and the game today. Additionally, the campaign will help share the accomplishments of those featured – whether the individual is a Director of Golf or a PGA Golf Management student. Ultimately, this campaign is designed to be a celebration of the PGA Members and Associates who make this Section unique.
“We hope this campaign encompasses a bigger picture of what PGA Professionals do in our Section on a day-to-day basis,” says Executive Director, Bart Rottier. “We want to give them an opportunity to share their stories while also celebrating their stewardship to the game of golf. The Section’s 50th Anniversary with the PGA of America provides the perfect platform to do just this.”
Articles and other pieces will be posted to the Alabama – NW Florida PGA’s website anywhere between a monthly and bi-monthly basis depending on availability of the interviewees and the Section Staff. Other media (sound bites or pictures) associated with each article will be posted to the Section’s social media and digital platforms.
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The Alabama – NW Florida PGA is one of 41 geographical Sections that make up the PGA of America. Our Section is headquartered in the Birmingham suburb of Pelham, Alabama at Ballantrae Golf Club. Established in 1969, the Section consists of over 400 Members and Associates in the state of Alabama and the Florida Panhandle. The Section exists to support its Members who are the driving force to growing the sport and business of golf while promoting initiatives that introduce and sustain the game in surrounding communities.
For more information about the Alabama – NW Florida PGA’s 50th Anniversary Celebration or if you would like the nominate a PGA Professional or Associate to be featured, please contact the Section Office or email Hayden Lewis, PGA at hlewis@pgahq.com.